Bobal’s Babble: Creative Musings: My Pot of Gold.

Your soul, my first-born, is yellow. You beam. You warm. You bounce. Your happiness permeates all. You see nothing but good; everyone is a friend. Like the sun, you’re a star: excelling in so much. But you also burn; your emotions exploding from your every pore. You help everyone to sparkle which only makes you sparkle more. Delighted is your default. Like honey, you glue us all together in a messy yet sweet way.

My second daughter, you are red. Oh how you are red. A tale of the two reds. You’re warm, joy, irresistibly sweet like a rose; love personified. Unless you’re not. Then you’re danger itself. Fire on a war-path, not to be crossed. Your passion operates single-mindedly. You cannot be deterred. Your independence is enviable, your sass in-conquerable. Like corrections in a workbook, you push us to be better. More authentically ourselves.

Our balm of a baby, you are our boy blue. You meander between us, showering us in affection, raining us with love. You wear your heart on your sleeve and feel everything, deep below the surface. Your calm acceptance and total contentedness could teach gratitude to a monk. You are serenity itself. You don’t flash or bang yet your blessings are vast. There’s power and intelligence in your quiet. As the sky above you, your love is boundless. It heals us all.

You three, my triad, are a formidable team. Like the blood that runs through your veins, you’re ever linked and stronger for it.

When yellow and red run to orange, yellow becomes braver. And conversely, red loses its sharp edges. Team orange employ high energy and full enthusiasm. Sometimes there’s sparks but mostly its complete, creative novelty and freedom. Like the monarch butterfly, together you fly higher.

When red and blue mesh to make purple the result is always fun. Never of plan, in the purest sense; just spontaneous, infectious joy. Two half’s of a whole, you complete each other. Just as amethyst soothes, between you two there’s never tension.

When yellow and blue meet in green, oh its a treat. For yellow becomes nurturing and blue blossoms. True harmony is known and learning thrives. You share your secrets like bamboo whispering in the breeze; for you are each other’s best source of wisdom.

As equal quantities of red, blue and yellow light make white, that is your father and I. You three brought colour into our lives. You’re our primary purpose. You are our rainbow in any storm.

The blank canvasses ahead of you are bound for other hues, explosions of colour, experimental fireworks, splashes of complementary shades. Your lives are your brushes so paint well, paint outside of the lines, immerse yourself in the picture, find your flare and feel rich in your foundations.