Bobal’s Babble: A letter to Munch as she Turns Two.

Dear my wild, fierce, little lady. I’ve just put you to bed after our usual tug of war of:  “I lud you Mama,”

“I love you too sweetheart, night night”

“Mama wait!” (as you grab my arm with your arms and sleeping-bagged feet). “I lud you.”

“I love you too cutie,” and so on until I can pry myself away.


Only tonight I’m feeling all mushy and don’t want to pry myself away because tomorrow, my bundle of absolute and unadulterated joy, you turn two!

I’m feeling all kinds of emotional. Compounded no doubt by the fact that I’m 25 weeks pregnant with your little brother or sister, because your Guidemother is about to drop her little surprise any day now and because One Drive’s throw-back feature has been showing me the hours leading up to your birth, in perfect photographic clarity.

It blows my mind that life as you know it can change in a split second. One moment I am taking photos of Mush sitting in the trolley amongst all the groceries at Tesco eating an apple and the next taking photos of my lowered bump in the hospital  lift having had it confirmed that you were on your way.  You landed into our family blowing our normal apart and piecing it together in a new and spectacular way. Unrivalled joy and chaotic carnage.

Because of you, I feel more confident that our family will adapt to this new baby and our family unit will only flourish with an extra body to love. It’s impossible to imagine life without you. You’re just so very special to us. I hope you always know that.

Every day with you brings the most hilarious and unexpected moments. You’re cheeky to the max and your unwavering determination in pursuit of what you want is impressive; it’s sure to mean you’ll get all you deserve from life.

I’m sad that my cherubic baby with the smiley eyes has disappeared but I’m also incredibly proud to replace her with a clever and funny toddler who is talking in sweet little sentences and loves nothing more than running around naked, chasing her sister. 

Time will march on and before I know it you’ll be turning 3…8…16… so, despite how much your Daddy makes fun of me for stewing on the sentimental, I intend to keep soaking you up; crying over milestones gone and excited by those to come.

Your life is going to be amazing because you’re incredible. You’re a kid that knows what she wants and just like the Easter egg hidden on the top shelf in the cupboard above the sink; I’ve no doubt you’ll get it!

I love you peachy girl. Happy Birthday, love from Mama. XXXXX


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